About Us

M'Banga is the labor of a shared profound love for Angola blended with the passion for swimwear of her three co-founders. All born in Luanda, the capital of Angola, their paths crossed in the corporate world and after working together for over 10 years and becoming good friends they also became business partners. They are the masterminds and driving forces behind our brand both on the creative and strategic vision. Coming from different academic backgrounds, the three of them complement each other in different areas of the brand development along with their kaluanda roots and upbringing where the sea and water were a constant. 

Our co-founders started only with the dream of showcasing Angola in the global stage through original patterns inspired in our beautiful biodiversity, rich culture and our vibrant peoples combined with minimalist, flattering and inclusive designs. Soon they realized M'Banga would be an entire mood and we are just getting started. Arriving to our name was a quick but thoughtful process, M'Banga is a play of the words "mabanga", which means shell in kimbundu dialect and "banga" slang for swag, very specific to Angolans.

"We didn't want to create just another African brand with African patterns and prints. Our vision was to create an accessible brand that embodied our diverse culture in its various expressions and was inspired by our own life experiences growing up and living in Angola. Ultimately, bring Angola to parts of the world that have never heard of it through our carefully curated patterns and designs that mirror the Angolan swag, confidence, carefree and easy-going living". - the founders. 

